The school Administrative Team must function as a unit that brings together classrooms, unstructured time, activities, school-wide needs, and administrative support and intervention. Administrative leadership in the teaching, mentoring and assisting of staff, evaluation of personnel and processes, and providing the enthusiasm, motivation and incentive for excellence are all direct benefits. Site administrators cannot leave these important items to chance. A “School Plan” to ensure consistency must be operative within the school and this program will guide the administrative team through the development and implementation process.

This program is customized to meet the specific needs of administrators. Any of the components list below can become the primary focus of the training. The training format is a one day workshop or a multi-day retreat environment focusing on the Principal, Assistant Principal or the entire Administrative Team.

The components of the program are as follows:

  • The school mission/vision
  • Teacher response styles
  • Classroom plans and procedures
  • Monitoring/evaluating teacher classroom plans
  • School-wide management system
  • Administrative support
  • Procedures for implementation and roadblocks
  • Know what to do to improve instruction
  • Know what to do with unmotivated students
  • Know what to do with aggressive, violent and confrontational students
  • A well defined school safety program
  • Parent involvement and conferencing skills
  • Substitute teacher program
  • Intruders

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  • Public relations procedures